October 02, 2007

The Treekeepers

By Susan McGee Britton
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Noelle

In the country of Wen, the Tree That Speaks has fallen, when Soladin, the Treekeeper, is betrayed by the evil Rendarren. Since then, the evil king has set about destroying any mention of the Tree and of thalasse, the magical liquid the Tree would produce. When the orphan Bird summons Farwender to help a sick child, she sees him use a vial of thalasse, the last in the world. To protect Bird from the Searchers, Farwender takes Bird to stay with Soladin, where she finds other orphans around her same age. There, Bird discovers she is the chosen one in a prophecy telling of one who will plant the seed that will bring back the Tree. Then Rendarren takes action, and Soladin and Farwender disappear, leaving Bird and the other children to set off on a dangerous quest to bring the seed to Wen and make things right. This is a great story, filled with magic, betrayal, courage, a perilous quest, friendship and adventure. Bird is a fierce but lovable character, stubborn but true. Her personal quest to find her father is woven into the adventure as well. Readers will enjoy this quick-paced and satisfying fantasy.

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